Accident Investigation
Uncovers Suspicious Activity
A cow was struck by an SUV on a rural road late Friday afternoon. According to the police report, the SUV was traveling south on Rendezvous Lane when several cows emerged from a cornfield and entered the roadway. One of the cows was struck and had to be put down. The vehicle had to be towed from the scene. The driver, whose name was not released, was not injured in the crash and is not facing any charges.
The cows belonged to Weston Blue who owns and operates a farm along Rendezvous Lane. Blue told the police that the cows were supposed to be in the meadow adjacent to the cornfield. Witnesses said that at the time of the accident there were no animals in the meadow other that a small flock of sheep. According to Blue, the sheep were supposed to be grazing in a grass field some distance away, where his son was looking after them. If any of the sheep wandered from the designated field, the boy was to summon his father by sounding a horn. There was some speculation that the boy may have fallen asleep on the job. Weston Blue declined to comment on that.
It is unclear whether this incident is connected to a similar incident on a nearby farm owned by Thomas Peep. Several sheep had been reported missing from the Peep farm on Friday afternoon. However those animals all returned home later that evening. Mr. Peep confirmed that his daughter was tending the sheep at the time they went missing, but he refused to answer any further questions.
Authorities acknowledged that a whistleblower report had been filed but the contents of that report were not being made public. Authorities did not indicate whether the whistleblower report was related to the stray animals. An anonymous source close to the matter told a reporter from the Washington Post that young Miss Peep had been seen with the Blue boy in the vicinity of a haystack at the approximate time the animals wandered from their designated areas. This allegation has not been confirmed. The police are continuing their investigation.